e107 Styles


BS_Magazine_01 theme

5 years ago
I am not happy with the design of it otherwise I would use it. But I was told you mite have something I am looking for.
5 years ago
Uh hello ?.

I was told you have could help with slider either for news or otherwise ?.
5 years ago
What would you like?
5 years ago
I was just looking for a news slider. I wanted it to show an assigned image for the news post and if possible It could be clickable.
5 years ago
The System has News carousel menu. Use it and put the menuarea in theme.php where you want. This is simple.
5 years ago
2018. Dec 29. Sat, 00:52infernoprime
Please forget my last post. I was looking at your bs gaming 03 and have two questions about it.

1.In the theme manager after changing to the bs gaming 03 theme there is a preferences tab but the text boxs do not say what they are for I need to know this!.

2.How can I insert a header logo I do not know how to do this.
5 years ago
2018. Dec 29. Sat, 13:49fizi
1. Preferences: You can set the header image or video and you can set the menuarea left or right.
2. Logo: You can put the shortcode in theme.php (need rewrite that).
Moderator(s): fizi