e107 Styles


Guild Wars 2 Theme v2.0

10 years ago
Okay I fixed it:

first I tried to figure out what this e_MEDIA_IMAGE is. Turns out its just a variable or something like that. That gives us the path to the images folder. Next I only needed to replace the SHORTCODE from the image var to get the src URL. DONE!!

$imgsource = e_MEDIA_IMAGE . "" . str_replace("{e_MEDIA_IMAGE}","",$image);
		$ret .= " 
				<a href='".e_HTTP."news.php?extend.".$news_id."' title='".$title."'> 
          <img src='".$imgsource."' alt='' title='<h2>".$title."</h2>".$body."...' />

works good so far
10 years ago
You're right. I'm happy that you solved it. Sorry I don't know the v2.0. I only wanted to help. It looks like you know better than I. happy
10 years ago
just try and error then try again happy but now you dont need to fix it yourself and can use it if you release a version for the v2.0
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